Instrumentos Testo, S.A. - Infrared cameras

Testo dUo Calefacción

Kit Of camera termográfica and measurer of the value Or: complete solution for the professionals of heating

Picture of Kit Of camera termográfica and measurer of the value Or
Testo Presents the packs dUo, a complete solution for the professionals of different sectors, that cover a wide fan of applications, from the maintenance regulate until the optimisation of the energetic consumptions.

The dUo Heating consists of camera termográfica testo 875-1 + analyser of combustion testo 330-1LL.

The high efficiency of the current boilers is out of all doubt, as long as it realizar a periodic maintenance, for which, necessarily, requires realizar an analysis of the combustion. The analyser of combustion 330-1LL, easy to use and resistant, analyses the gases, showing the content of Or2, CO2, CO corrected, the excess of air, the shot and the performance.

On the other hand, failures in the design and/or in the installation, leaks of air in doors and windows, solar plates and even escapes of water can limit seriously the operation of the system. The camera termográfica testo 875-1, thanks to his measurement of superficial temperature without contact, allows to locate all these problems quickly.