Instrumentos Testo, S.A. - Thermohygrometers

Testo 175-T1

It dates logger for the temperature and humidity: valid so much for the transport as for the storage

Picture of It dates logger for the temperature and humidity
Set initial of the testo 175-T1 ideal for users that initiate in the monitoring of temperatures, composed by 3 dataloggers testo 175-T1, wire usb, card SD of 2 GB and software Comsoft Basic.

Testo Launches to the market the generation of recorder that stands out by his extreme ease of use and his absolute hygiene, for example, thanks to his protection by means of password and to the padlock to proof of theft. This generation, ranges testo 175 and testo 176, is composed of 11 recorder that they are the most adapted solution for multiple applications.

The range testo 175 this compound of 4 recorder compact for the measurement of temperature and humidity. The range testo 176 this compound of 7 recorder especially adapted for the most demanding applications, as those that give in the laboratories. A total novelty in this range is the recorder testo 176 P1, with which can measure and document the values of absolute pressesure in addition to the temperature and the humidity.

All the recorder of the ranges testo 175 and testo 176 have of interface USB and slot for card SD, by what the reading and download of the data does of easy and simple form. The capacity by heart has expanded considerably as well as the length of the batteries, appearances that contribute enormously to the improvement with regard to the previous recorder. The operation by means of only key keeps given the excellent result that provides.

The user can choose between three versions of different software for the programming, the reading and the analysis of the data collected by the recorder: the testo ComSoft Basic 5, with new graphic interface, the testo ComSoft Professional 4 (with functions of use advanced) and the ComSoft CFR 21, especially adapted for the pharmaceutical sector.

The generation of recorder Testo adecua to the professional measurement of temperature, humidity and absolute pressesure in multiple applications, between which can stand out the uninterruptible monitoring of the chain of cold, the register of temperature in laboratories of the pharmaceutical industry or the measurements in industrial processes.