Roegele, S.A. - Injection moulding machines for universal use (thermoplastic)

Engel Speed

Inyectora Fast for packs and packaging: inyectoras Of high speed

Picture of Inyectora Fast for packs and packaging
With the series of fast machines, Engel Austria GMBH (Austria) has entered a fast machine, which combines rapidity and productive capacity for big series of pieces of fine walls.

After the first presentation in the Fakuma 2005, the manufacturer has completed the series of fast machines through greater strengths of closing incorporating new executions of units of closing designated Wide-Platen.

The debut has celebrated through the machine 2.800 kN of the fast series. To this fact has to add the inclusion, in the program of fast machines, of a machine of 1800 kN, likewise in April of 2007 will go in in the program of manufacture a machine of 3.800 kN of strength of closing.

This program of machines includes the execution Wide-Platen (plates expanded).

An extension of the distances between columns in horizontal and vertical sense that offers some big relations of space for the setting of moulds with modules of automation integrated cheese cheese with complex connections of means.

This concept of machine could see in the past Fakuma.

With a machine of the type 280/70 in execution Wide-Plate with a mould of the Austrian manufacturer KTW produced caps of PEC-HD for bottles of drink.

In this installation incorporated a system of control of artificial vision which verified of individual form the caps produced.

Engel Shows his competitiveness in the sector of the packaging offering complete installations for applications specify keys in hand. When we speak of fast machines, usually require integral solutions as for example In-mould labeling going through integrated cheese cheese stations of comprobación until the final packaging of the pieces.

This specialisation in the sector is backed through his specialists which have the committed to project complete productive systems comprising the needs of the sector. Próximamente, the complete series of machines Speed will cover 5 sizes in some margins of strength of closing that oscillated from 13.500 until 6.500 kN. With his machines Speed, Engel offers time of cycle in empty very short that oscillate of 1,1 seconds (in machines of 1.350 kN) until maximum 2,2 seconds (in machines 6.500 kN of strength of closing).