Ariston Ibérica, S.L.U. - Water accumulators

Ariston BS

Interacumuladores Vertical of floor: low thermal sensors dispersion thanks to a big thickness of isolation of polyurethane

Picture of Interacumuladores Vertical of floor
Interacumulador Vertical of floor monoserpentín, is available in the capacity 500 litres.


- Low thermal sensors dispersion thanks to a big thickness of isolation of polyurethane.

- Double anode anticorrosión: one of magnesium and another of current impresa pro-tech.

- Boiler in steel vitrificado in titanium to 850 ºC.

- Upper and inferior pods for the placing of probes.

- Wide pletina of frontal inspection.

- Feet regulables for nivelación.

- Elegant white streamlining.