Instrumentos Testo, S.A. - Environmental measurement and monitoring equipment

Testo 435

Instrument multifunción: for the determination of the CoP of a system of air conditioned

Picture of Instrument multifunción

Regarding the performance of the systems of air conditioned, exists a parameter called CoP ('Coeficient of Performance'), that represents the relation that there is between the heat absorbed by a discharge of air in the evaporador and the electrical consumption of the compressesor. What greater is this value, more efficient is the system of air conditioned.

To determine the heat absorbed needs determine the enthalpy of the humid air before and after happening through the evaporador, and once established the difference between them and with the discharge determines the power. This calculation is complex as they are necessary knowledges of psychometrics in addition to a calculator, by what the measurement of all a building can be very laborious.

The instrument multifunción Testo 435 automates entirely this measurement. From two temperature and wireless humidity and a probe of speed of the air calculates directly the power absorbed in watts. The measurement realizar in some seconds and is not necessary to realizar any calculation.

The second necessary value is the consumption of the compressesor. Although, a pinza amperimétrica is sufficient to realizar this measurement, Testo proposes an analyser of refrigeration Testo 556/560 with said probe to realizar this measurement and this consumption.

The reason of this is that the determination of the Cop forms part of the values to measure in the maintenance of systems of cold according to the new Rite (Regulation of thermal sensors sensors Installations in Buildings), and periodically also will have to measure pressesures of evaporation, condensation, jumps of temperature, etc. By all this the Analyser of Refrigeration testo 556/560 offers a complete solution for the measurement these parameters demanded.

Once it has measured the two powers to calculate the Cop, a simple division will give us this value of efficiency of the team of air conditioned.