Schlüter Systems, S.L. - Sheet waterproofing

Schlüter Ditra

Impermeabilización And desolidarización: for balconies, terraces and humid zones

Picture of Impermeabilización And desolidarización
Generally the terraces are exposed to the intemperie and suffer, therefore, high mechanical and chemical aggressions by the presence of water, the high changes of temperature and the presences of frosts.?Ace occasions an impermeabilización conventional does not fulfil with all his functions, since the water can accumulate on of the layer of impermeabilización until soaking entirely the layer of compressesion of mortar of cement. This phenomenon can cause damages in the ceramic coatings in the case of frosts and in shape of efflorescences of carbonate of calcium and silicates.? An impermeabilización conventional can not compensate the distinct movements between the support and the coating. Frequent changes of temperature and different degrees of humidity in the materials cause different types of tensions in the materials. In Spain, where are usual the high changes of temperature, for example during days calorosos of summer with spontaneous storms or changes of ice-thaw in mountainous zones, are in a lot of occasions the cause of desprendimientos or fissures in the ceramic coatings in outsides.%aPor Consequence, an effective system has to protect the support by means of an impermeabilización against leaks of water and absorb the different tensions between the ceramic coating and the support by means of a desolidarización. Besides a system has to cover possible fissures in the support, to avoid that these transmit to the ceramic coating. ?lución For this problematic, the company Schlüter-Systems has developed the system of impermeabilización and desolidarización Schlüter-Ditra. It treats of a plate of polietileno with drawing of tail of milano, that carries incorporated in his reverso a geotextil, that facilitates the placing of the plate to the support by means of adhesive cementosos conventional. While the unions between the plates, as well as all the together perimetrales and of delivery impermeabilizan with the waterproof bands Schlüter-Kerdi-Keba, place the baldosas ceramic with adhesive conventional directly on the plate Schlüter-Ditra.? Way achieves with an alone product the impermeabilización of supports and the desolidarización of ceramic coatings of supports with movements or critical supports in general. By his reduced thickness of alone 3 mm is especially apt for the rehabilitation of terraces and azoteas without need to start the baldosas ancient. Besides the system represents a significant saving of time, since it can realise the impermeabilización and the placing of baldosas ceramic in a process of work.