Instrumentos Testo, S.A. - Hygrometer

Testo 605

Hygrometer: it controls the conditions of the environingingment of production

Picture of Hygrometer
The model testo 605 of signs it Instruments Testo S.A. is a mini hygrometer that has of cabezal flexible. It is small, compact and precise. The stability of the sensor (protected with protective cap newspaper, probe of measurement of 125 mm) on a long-term basis guarantees resulted of correct measurement even after years of use. It includes also calculation of point of dew °C td (testo 605-H1) or calculation of temperature psicométrica of humid bulb °C Tw (testo 605-H2). The sensor of humidity does not see affected by the water and thanks to his clip can attach to the pocket. The hygrometer Testo 605 controls the conditions of the environingingment of production.