FM Grupo Tecnológico - Converters, adapters and other equipment for fieldbus networks

FM grupo tecnológico

Home Automation KNX: control and intelligent monitoring of the installations

Picture of Home Automation KNX
KNX is an open standard for the control of houses and buildings. With this management system can be a control and intelligent supervision of facilities and buildings such as: air conditioning, lighting, access control, etc., management through which is achieved greater energy efficiency, greater comfort and security with a lower energy consumption.

KNX system are transferred control of all the components of management or devices data sensors, actuators, etc., ensuring that all components communicate through a common language, by means of a simple Bus without additional intermediate control centres. Furthermore this type of installation can be easily adapted and extended to new applications.

Home Automation is focused on improving the quality of life increased comfort, safety and comfort, obtaining a considerable saving of energy consumption at the same time. Home automation system is flexible and adaptable to any need and any type of building regardless of activity that will be developing inside.

The main benefits of the control are:-energy saving.

-Have total control of a large facility from a single supervisor since.

-Maintenance of the installations.

-Possibility of remote connection and may modify or verify any parameter of the facilities for remote connections with the advantages of a speedy resolution that involved.