Felder - Spindle moulders

Format-4 Profil 45M x- motion

Fresadora Of table: comfort of handle premium for maximum productivity

Picture of Fresadora Of table
In the change of axis of tupí, the tested system of fast change of axis of tupí guarantees the maximum productivity. Axles of tupí with different diameters and tools premontadas for works in series can use in question of seconds.

One of the absolute successes of the new profil 45M is the monitor TFT of 5,7", in the package of control x-motion, for the comfort of handle of the class premium. The signpost of control of tactile screen is always to the height of the eyes and provides all the important information of a glimpse. In addition to all adjust them of the axis of tupí, also can control directly in the tactile screen the new tope of milling of Format-4. The package premium offers the greater efficiency when pressesing a button, calling to the program with the configurations of milling programmed individually and a database of available tools optionally.


- solid Table of smelting for stability without vibrations.

- System of fast change of axis of tupí without tools for the absolute productivity.

- It adjust electronic of high precision of the tope of milling, height and inclination of the axis of tupí.

- More comfort in the handle and greater hygiene: 320 mm opening of table of tupí and inclination of the axis to backwards.

- Guide forced of the unit of axis of milling of high performance with double suspension of precision and 6 years of guarantee in the guide of segments basculantes Easy-Glide.

- Package of control x-motion: unit of control of tactile screen TFT of 7" to the height of the eyes.

- Maximum productivity with memory of programs, incremental processing, and visualisation of effective and nominal values.