Maconse - Other refrigeration equipment

Freezing of fish rafts: for mackerel, sardine, etc

Picture of Freezing of fish rafts
The operation of the raft of freezing, is as its name indicates in the freezing of the product once it enters in contact with the fluid inside the raft, this fluid is composed by 21% of salt and the rest of water, thus obtaining the product called brine. The raft of freezing works with this fluid, since this dissolution can remain below zero degrees and transmit cold to the product. In addition to keep the brine at this temperature and get a homogeneous solution of salt in water, the raft carries installed a few agitators who are responsible to move brine and the recirculate by whole raft preventing freezing of the fluid. Inside the raft there is installed a cooling coil, it will be submerged in the brine and the cold to freeze it will transmit to the product.

The raft of freezing of fish can go accompanied by an elevator with balsa to input, and the output with a glaseadora. Bulk fishmeal is deposited on the raft of the elevator, the elevator transports it, to download it inside the raft, but before depositing it inside the raft, is given to the product a wash to remove traces of dirt, this washing is performed through a few showers installed in the input elevator, that apply to the product a water bath at room temperature. Once the product is within the raft, this moves from the inside by means of a conveyor, which is in charge of maintaining submerged product while it is moving along all the raft, having a certain time for perfect freezing brine contact. When the product is frozen, conveyor inside the raft out of it thanks to your Swan neck and deposited it in a glaseadora, where you will receive a bath with clean water pressure, cleaning it and removed debris, leaving the product frozen, clean and ready to follow the manufacturing process desired.

Throughout the manufacturing process, i.e., since enter the raft of freezing the product until it comes out, flakes come off, this will not pose any problem thanks to the rotating filter that is installed on the top of the raft. The operation of this filter is to eject out of the raft the scales that emerge from the product and remain in the brine, so a pump sends brine with scales to the Rotary filter and this separates the scales of fluid, expelling the flakes out of the raft and returning the brine of filtered inside.