Tama Ibérica, S.L. - Water filtration equipment


Filters of humid road: formed by elements of centrifugado fixed with aerodynamic profile

Picture of Filters of humid road
The principle of operation of the filter of retention Idromix is formed by elements of centrifugado fixed with aerodynamic profile. By the effect of the depressesion generated by the aspirador, the fluent aeriforme suffers a first reduction of the speed, since it is forced to be followed the movement of the water by drag and to mix with the same, sedimentando partly in the vat of collected that it finds below. This is the first stage of leak. The second treatment produces by means of the centrifugado of the remaining parts of the fluent aeriforme in shape of mix waters-dust, which, by the difference of specific weight concerning the air aspired, separates and decants in the vat that finds below. The total quantity of water in movement reduces and, therefore, reduces the quantity of water in recirculation that constitutes the main element of the abatimiento and of the purification, since the separate water by the centrifugation collects in the vat in shape of muddy water. The physiological characteristics of this water that contains dust improve notably the performance of abatimiento, attaining the greater economy because it has to reincorporar only the quantity evaporated. The level of the water is controlled by a probe of minimum level. When said level arrives underneath of this limit, the probe sends a control to the electroválvula of reincorporación automatic, that commissions to carry again the height of the water until the ideal value, controlled by the probe of maximum level. The hopper where collects and decants the slime is realizar of way such that avoid the deposit of material in his walls. If there is an extractor of slimes, this finds in lateral position concerning the group filtrante and has the purpose to extract of the water the material that precipitates.