Ininsa - Invernaderos e ingeniería, S.A. - Climate control for greenhouses


Equipment and systems of climatic control: screens of shade, heating, Cooling System,etc

Picture of Equipment and systems of climatic control
The pictures of climatic control of Ininsa incorporate the switchboard Ininsaclim (mark registered), necessary for the control and gestión of the different elements and equipment that regulate the environingingment of the invernadero.

The systems of heating by air and water contribute to provide a suitable temperature to the crops of high climatic request. The system of double ceiling of film, that keeps inflated by means of small fans, reduces the coefficient of transmission of heat to the outside allowing a considerable saving of power. This system also controls the effect bead by condensation on the crop.

The company explains also with an extensive range of accessories, as well as the thermal sensors screens Ininsacryl (mark registered) aluminizadas and other materials of oscurecimiento, enrollamientos lateral, etc. These use the system of traction accionado by zips, which can motorise and automate by means of a timer or by means of a probe of radiation.

Through the Cooling System achieves an important decrease of the temperature in the interior of the invernadero. This system bases in the principle of adiabatic cooling and states, essentially of panels humidificadores, network of recycled and extractores of big discharge.