Roegele, S.A. - Traysealers and thermoformers


Envasadoras Of leathers and blisters: envasadoras With different zones of moldeo

Picture of Envasadoras Of leathers and blisters
The envasadoras of Illig divide in two groups of products: the envasadoras of leather and blisters.

The modular concept allows to Illig supply envasadoras of leather with different zones of moldeo and options, like units of longitudinal and transversal cutting, or punching machines by fleje of steel. Provistos Of such equipment, these systems of production make possible the manufacture of complete containers, including the punzonado of the ojetes of suspension.

For a production of blisters entirely automated employ the calls envasadoras of blisters. The blisters moldean, cut and transport to the palettes. The process of envasamiento complete in the station of sealed. Then the container finished puts on a strip transportadora or transfers to an empaquetadora final.

The moldeadores of cardboard, trasladadores of blisters and automatic systems of feeding of articles complete this range of products.