Haver & Boecker Ibérica, S.L.U. - Bagging machines

Haver & Boecker Topline 600-1200

Ensacadoras For sacks of open mouth: for products granulated

Picture of Ensacadoras For sacks of open mouth
Ensacadoras Entirely automatic designed especially for ensacar products granulated in sacks prefabricated, of paper or of plastic. From a tubular coil, all the process, from the filled until the closing of the sack, carries out in a hermetical enclosure and of a totally automatic form.

Products: rice, salt, seeds, fertilizantes, plastics granulated, piensos, etc.

Performance: between 600 and 1.200 sacks/hour.


- Process of filled clean thanks to the use of mouths of filled specific for each product.

- Precision of heavy thanks to the system of heavy in net of Haver.

- The costs of installation are minimum and his set up very fast.

- Compact sacks because of a vibratory system that facilitates the compactación of the product.