Haver & Boecker Ibérica, S.L.U. - Bagging machines

Haver & Boecker Topline 2000

Ensacadoras For sacks of open mouth: for products granulated and pelets

Picture of Ensacadoras For sacks of open mouth
Ensacadoras Of high performance entirely automatic designed especially for ensacar products granulated and pelets in sacks prefabricated, of paper or of plastic. From a tubular coil, all the process, from the filled until the closing of the sack, carries out in a hermetical enclosure and of a totally automatic form.

Products: rice, salt, seeds, fertilizantes, plastics granulated, piensos, etc.

Performance: until 30 sacks/minute.


- Process of filled clean thank you use of mouths of filled specific for each product.

- Precision of heavy thanks to the system of heavy in net of Haver.

- His costs of installation are minimum and his set up very fast.

- Compact sacks because of a vibratory system that facilitates the compactación of the product.