Haver & Boecker Ibérica, S.L.U. - Bagging machines

Behn + Bates

Ensacadoras By gravity for sacks of open mouth: ideals for the industry agroalimentaria

Picture of Ensacadoras By gravity for sacks of open mouth
Ensacadora Manual, designed for ensacar alimentary products granulated in sacks of open mouth. The filled realizar through the principle of gravity (by free fall) and depending of the type of product offers different solutions, besides offers the possibility to incorporate a vibratory unit for compactación of the sacks.


- Filled by free fall, by means of a straight tube or in shape of curve, depending of the type of product.

- Designed espacialmente to facilitate his handle simple and easy maintenance.

- It is a very flexible system, can move and incorporate in different silos.

- Incidentally it can him integrate a mouth of filled special to work with sacks of open mouth prefabricated.