Haver & Boecker Ibérica, S.L.U. - Bagging machines

Behn + Bates Intergra FD

Ensacadoras: for industry agro-alimentary

Picture of Ensacadoras
The ensacadoras Beth + Beat Intergra FD are entirely automatic that allow ensacar all type of alimentary products to granel in sacks of valve of 5 to 50 kg. They incorporate the applicator of automatic sacks and a system of sealed, everything inside a unit encapsulada. Expandable system of 1 to 4 mouths filled up.

Performance: until 700 sacks/hour depending on the characteristics of the product.

It delivers entirely assembled and tested, the costs of installation are minimum and his set up very fast.

The design encapsulado guarantees a process of clean work, without dust and reduces notably the noise

Between his main characteristics find :

- Reduction of costs of maintenance.

- High level of precision in weight.

- Simple system to operate, clean and keep.