Pirobloc, S.A. - Steam boilers

Electrical boiler of steam: for the chemical industries, pharmaceutical, alimentary and cosmetic

Picture of Electrical boiler of steam

Pirobloc, company of manufacture of boilers of thermal sensors fluid, has a range of electrical boilers of steam. It treats of a complete line, fruit of the department of R&D of the company, that covers from the 25 kW until the 200 kW of power, that is to say, from 35 until 300 kg of steam.

It is conceived to way of group monobloc, and instruments all the elements of control and hygiene, like electrical cupboard of control and control, bomb of feeding of water, levels and presostatos.

The maximum pressesure of standard service is of 8 bar (temperature work until 180 °C), and there is available other pressesures under particular specifications. The code of design used is the IN-13445. Like variant, has foreseen also an execution built entirely in stainless steel.

These boilers are allocated mainly to the chemical industries, pharmaceutical, alimentary and cosmetic.

As it is usual in all the equipment of Pirobloc, the company can hold responsible also of other services to part of the manufacture, like the setting, the installation, in addition to the set up, the legalisation of the installation and the service post sale.