Roegele, S.A. - Dosing for plastics

Koch Graviko

Dosificador gravimétrico: for processes of extrusion

Picture of Dosificador gravimétrico
In the process of extrusion, the control of the exact thickness of the film or the weight of the linear metres of profiles present problems with frequency. This has done that Koch-Technik have developed a new Graviko “loss in weight” to expand his range of equipment of dosage. Operation: the load of material mixes or stores using a station of mix gravimétrica or volumetric. A sliding mounted in the exit, empty a specific quantity to the system of gravimetry “loss in weight”. This consists in a container of reservation, whose content is weighed continuously, detecting the loss or decrease of weight by unit of time. Of this form is possible to control the performance of the extruder. When it has casting the container of weighing of the Graviko “loss in weight”, the sliding of the station of mix situated on, opens automatically and fills up the container of reservation. This new load will go back to weigh and will be processed.

Durante more than 30 years, the name of Koch-Technik is synonymous of innovation, precision, modular flexibility and highly effective in the mix, dosage, transport and dried of plastic in granza and dust. The use of our equipment and systems in more than 3200 companies of transformation of plastic by all the world confirm the acceptance and high efficiency of these systems, in the daily work of production.