Petkus España, S.L. - Grain driers

Petkus DU

Continuous grain dryer: with a capacity of 5 drying to the 90 t/h in wheat

Picture of Continuous grain dryer
The drying of grain Petkus DU is based on the principle of flow continued for universal use of drying processes of different type of grain and corn, sunflower seeds and other cereals with a drying capacity ranging from 5 to the 90 t/h in wheat. Petkus grain dryer is completely designed in a modular way to ensure a wide range of models and capacities with different possibilities of Assembly of its main components.

The main components of the Petkus grain dryer are the column of hot air, the drying column and the column of air extraction, all manufactured in galvanized steel sheet.

THE wet product fills the hopper on top of the drying column. The product flows intermittently zigzag through the column of drying in Cascades to the mechanism at the bottom. In this process the hot air flows through the product towards the exhaust fan. The hot air stream is created by a burner of gas or gasoil heated outside air. The hot air temperature is related to the moisture content of the product. After treatment with hot air, the product passes to the boxes of cooled. Cold air flows through the product. This current system of air flowing through the material ensures maximum efficiency, uniformity and the most effective method of drying.