Roegele, S.A. - Feeding and loading systems for plastic industry

Koch Technick Miko

Compact conveyor with a high degree of comfort: iideal For performances from 15 kg/h

Picture of Compact conveyor with a high degree of comfort
With a weight of only 4,8 kg and a height of 43 cm the Miko of Koch Technik is a compact conveyor of the lightest and small of the market. It is the ideal solution to feed machinery from containers colindantes with reduced quantity of granza .

The compact conveyor with a high productivity and engine monofasico has a capacity of 1,3 litres. The interior anti abrasion is done of a special glass very thick. The system of construction by modular units of Koch allows that the Miko can mount in all the stations of granza and triturado as well as on hoppers of feeding using an adapter.

In spite of the new stock, the material granulated or regenerated is transported, the emergent air clean by means of a filter of polyester highly safe and respectful with the environingingment. The separation realises from 2 um. The filter of cartridge clean neumáticamente in only 0.5 seconds with a twist of internal rotor , therefore, is prepared for the next process. The surfaces sealed allow that it do not go out air – therefore, the machines remain free of dust.

For an easy handle, the Miko has of a movement of pivote and basculación fixations with pomos and opening without tools, which allows a very fast change of materials. The feeder reaches a performance of more than 15 kg/h with a distance of maximum transport of 25 m and a height of transport of 5m. Entretolvas Of storage of 1,2 and 5 litres are available depending of the performance of the machine. A connection of 230 V/ 50 Hz is all what requires to operate the Miko. In tube of succión with antistatic hose includes like integral part of the supply.

Durante more than 33 years, Koch-Technik has been synonymous of innovation, precision, modular flexibility and profitability in the mixed, dosage, transport and dried of plastic. The use of his equipment and systems in more than 4.000 companies procesadoras of plastic all over the world show the acceptance and high efficiency of his systems in the production of the day in day out.