Maconse - Fruit peeling machines

Chemical Peeling for fruits: peach, pepper, tomato, etc

Picture of Chemical Peeling for fruits
To remove the skins of fruits and crops as peaches, peppers, tomato, etc. This type of peeling is very appropriate to prevent damage to the surface of the product that remains smooth and perfect.

Chemical Peeling machine design is geared specifically to the scalding and elimination of skin food. The agri-food industry is the main applicant of machines of this type. Chemical Peeling is made of the highest quality stainless steel to prevent any alteration in the qualities of the product when it enters the machine.

The operation of chemical peeling machine consists of the product discharge in the entrance area of the machine, that product is deposited in bulk to take advantage of the width of the machine. and a stainless steel band to move it along the entire machine. This band is driven by a shaft with a treatment of Vulcanized, to obtain a perfect adhesion of the band with the shaft, and slid a track consisting of rolls of arnite, getting so the band describe a linear and constant movement.

The displacement of the product onto the conveyor belt it receives the following treatment: first, at the entrance of the product into the machine, is projected onto this, steam pressure by a coil, to prepare it for the next item in the process which is applied to the product a curtain of water with caustic soda, through a few waterfalls that fluid mixing directly applied on the product, once applied water with soda mixture. The product progresses under a coil heat bra that keeps the product at the right temperature so that the mixing of the fluid acts on the product during a preset time. After these points of the process, as the last step, the product passes under a coil which applies cold water using a few showers to the product, removing the skin and leaving the product prepared to follow the estimated manufacturing process.