Instrumentos Testo, S.A. - Infrared cameras

Testo 890

Camera termográfica: it registers thermal sensors images of high quality

Picture of Camera termográfica
The most important component of a camera termográfica is the detector. In the Testo 890, with the detector of 640 x 480 pixels, in combination with the optics of germanium of high quality, obtains a quality of insuperable image, because against more points of measurement there is in the image, more details can recognise and analyse.

Beside the technology Testo SuperResolution, the camera termográfica Testo 890 registers thermal sensors images of high quality and high resolution (1280 x 960 pixels). This means that even the objects more diminutos or the most distant can termografiar with an ajustadísimo degree of precision.

The sophisticated ergonomics of the camera Testo 890 allows his safe and effective use in any application. With the screen giratoria folding termografían objects or situations that remain above the head of the user; with the handle giratoria also facilitate the measurements in positions dificultosas (for example, to ras of floor).