Instrumentos Testo, S.A. - Infrared cameras

Testo 885

Camera termográfica: for professional thermographs in the industry and the construction

Picture of Camera termográfica
The testo 885, in the format videocámara with roast rotary presses, allows to work easier and sure enough.

The combination of an optics of first class with “luminous“ big angular or teleobjetivo, a big detector of 320 x 240 pixels, a NETD <30 mK and components of high quality achieve an extremely precise approach and an excellent contrast in any thermography. Thanks to the technology SuperResolution, can obtain a thermography of size 640 x 480 pixels in the software IrSoft.

For professional thermographs in the industry and the construction.

In the construction, if the object to measure is too big so that it fit in an alone thermography, the testo 885 includes an assistant for panoramic format, in which they can join up, with precision, several thermographies, keeping all the detail and original resolution. The technology SiteRecognition can use for the efficient realisation of routes of inspection. This commissions to recognise automatically the place of measurement, store and administer the thermographies taken. The possibility to realizar measurements in ranks of temperature of until 1.200 °C allows that the testo 885 was adapted for a wide range of industrial applications.