Instalaciones eléctricas Lleida, S.L. (Instelectric Lleida - (HY-LO)) - Hot air generators
HY-LO Serie DE
Calefactores Automatic: for heating and dried
Electrical installations Lleida has of the calefactores HY-THE series OF. They do not need any special installation, not even chimney. It suffices with entering the hoses in tank of diesel and enchufar the wire to an electrical base.
To the accionar the switch and/or thermostat, the calefactor will start and in the act will launch a powerful chorro of heat. The residual gases lack smoke and of monoxide of carbon.
The calefactores OF work automatically like only system of heating. They carry incorporated some devices of hygiene that stop the burner when there is not flame and that protect the camera of combustion against the excessive heat. The range of calefactores OF have the following models: OF-25, OF-45, OF-100, OF-160 and OF-200.