Aspiraciones Perca, S.L. - Extraction cabinets


Cabins of aspiration: by sleeves filtrantes

Picture of Cabins of aspiration
The company Aspirations Perca, S.L. It has of Cabins FiltroCab for the industry of the stone and Batteries of Filters for the aspiration of environingingments polvorientos and harmful.  

The cabins of aspiration by sleeves filtrantes Filtrocab are built in steel galvanised, with dimensions of 4.250 of long x 2.230 of high x 850 mm background more advances of polycarbonate.

The air contaminated of dust generated by the manufacturings in dry, is aspired by the fans that find in the top of the cabin.

The air aspired by the two fans happens through the frontal drilled of the cabin to the interior of the camera of purification, where find the sleeves filtrantes. The sleeves filtrantes are manufactured in a special fabric, with what has deleted the problem of the obturación of the microporos of the fabric.

Besides it incorporates an automatic system of cleaning cíclica of the sleeves by shot of air compressesed, which is controlled by an automaton that comanda the cleanings and does to precipitate the dust to the cajoneras that find situated in the base of the cabin.

Instrumented with electrical picture centralised for the manoeuvres of cleaning of sleeves and of the motors of the cabin