Schlüter Systems, S.L. - End profiles

Schlüter Dilex-AKWS

Boards of movement: for zones subjected to a strong mechanical wear

Picture of Boards of movement
Schlüter-Dilex-AKWS Is a profile for boards of movement that no precise maintenance and that has been conceived for those floors of baldosas or of natural stone that are subjected to a normal wear.

Schlüter-Dilex-AKWS Provides an effective protection to the singings of those floors that bear an important traffic peatonal or that they are used by vehicles of light industrial use. The lateral profiles of fixation, manufactured in aluminium and provistos of perforación trapezoidal, go joined to a zone of movement brandish of 6 mm of width, manufactured in plastic. The singings of the flat obtain an effective protection thanks to the special design of the profiles of lateral fixation.

Of the width relatively tighten of the zone of movement results a capacity limited of absorption of movement, that has to take into account according to the application wished.

Schlüter-Dilex-AKWS Causes an interruption of the resonance in the material of revestimiento, reducing in this way the transmission of the retumbar of the stepped.

Schlüter-Dilex-AKWS Consists of two profiles - lateral support of aluminium, instrumented with wings of fixation with perforación trapezoidal. The zone of movements is formed by a piece of soft plastic and some ironingings of tighten of hard synthetic resin.