Petkus España, S.L. - Bulk product transport systems

Petkus MB 300 / MB 400

Belt conveyor: for the transpor you horizontal bulk materials

Picture of Belt conveyor
Petkus MB 300 and 400 MB bandwidth conveyors are suitable for horizontal transport of materials in bulk as: seed, grain, malt, bulk for the animal feed industry and other bulk materials.

Petkus band conveyors are transporters completely closed casing in galvanized steel.

Conveyor MB 300 / 400 MB has the following standard equipment:-mechanism of tension, - mouth load - outlet, - galvanized sheet steel, thickness of the wall of cover 2-3 mm - mechanism of transmission, motor reducer mounted directly - bandwidth, 300 mm and 400 mm - length of cover intermediate available depending on the total length of the conveyor (0.5 m; 1.0 m, 2.0 m, 3.0 m) - standard speed of 1 m/s bandOther speeds at the request of the customer can be offered.

-Length of up to 30 m conveyor,