Control y Ventilación, S.L. - Refrigeration for farms

Humibat Humibat T

Autonomous units of ceiling: they mount on the cover of the enclosure

Picture of Autonomous units of ceiling
The autonomous units of ceiling type Humibat T of Control and ventilation are adapted for the installation in overpressesure, and mount on the cover of the enclosure, entering vertically the air refrigerated.

When being difficult to establish a circuit of water with bomb centralised in cover, each unit Humibat type T incorporates his own bomb of circulation. A suitable distribution of units in cuadrícula provides a uniform contribution of air, that has to be combined with a correct distribution of aberturas of exit or fans of extraction equipment equipment.

The units Humibat type T incorporate, for his easy installation, a plate of anchorage calada with the corresponding angle to the slope of cover of the enclosure.