Iberclean, S.A. - Extraction arms

System 50

Arm for aspiración and leak located: with wide range of options and accessories

Picture of Arm for aspiración and leak located

The range of accessories of the arms of aspiración SYSTEM 50 includes different consoles of fixation, bells extractoras and reductions for his connection. The fixations for his setting are manufactured in steel to the carbon with finishing epoxy. The range includes profiles in Or for fixation to table, consoles of fixation to wall and columns for setting in ceiling. These last are available in 4 different measures of 250, 500, 750 and 1.000 mm. The reduction for connection of the arm to the system of aspiración/ventilation is of polipropileno. The selection of bells extractoras for the arm of aspiración SYSTEM 50 is very wide and allows the election of a suitable model for each place of work and contaminante. The election of the material of the bell will depend on the application. The bells are manufactured in PETG transparent (polietilentereftalato) and aluminium anodizado or with finishing epoxy. The arm SYSTEM 50 is conceived for his use in applications that generate small focus contaminantes such like electronic industry, laboratories, technical laser, dental clinics, living rooms of aesthetics and professional schools amongst other. The arms articulated SYSTEM 50 mount fast with his fixations to table, wall or ceiling. The arms of the range SYSTEM 50 Flexible come mounted and smart for his fixation. The scope of the standard arms of the range SYSTEM 50 covers a wide fan of possibilities of until 1.660 mm.

The range SYSTEM 50 has of 2 different versions, aluminium (To the) and antistatic (ACE). The election of one or another material of the arm will depend of the place of work and product to aspire.