Tehsa - Contact data

Ubicación y datos de contacto
Jorge Guillén 5-7
28806 Alcalá de Henares (Madrid) (Madrid) Spain
☎:  +34‑‑912619790  
🖷:  +34‑‑912619793
w:  www.tehsa.es
Company of expert services in the efficiency hídrica and the derivative power of his warming, and services related for customers, residential, commercial and industrial. Realisation of projects of (1) efficiency (quality consultancy and advice in hidroeficiencia of installations, and specific of the sanitary ware equipment, outsourcing of supplies and hidroeficiencia energetic; optimisation of prices and negotiation of agreements; advice and prescriptions for projects); (2) learning (courses, seminars and campaigns to measure in the gestión of the cycle of the water; how implant a system of gestión in hidroeficiencia in companies or organisms); (3) campaigns of sensitisation (development, planning and realisation of any type of campaigns of sensitisation, from workshops, shows of demonstration, technical days...); (4) treatment of poured (quality consultancy and advice of the efficiency of systems of treatment of water; formalización of documents to obtain the permission of poured); (5) manufacturing of campaigns of aforo: measurement and verification (determination of discharges and/or consumptions in pipes by means of equipment no invasivos; without altering or realise stopped of production, on any type of liquid).