Procontrol, S.L. - Contact data

Ubicación y datos de contacto
Procontrol, S.L.
Rambla Poble Nou, 189
08018 Barcelona Spain

How to get there

☎:  +34‑933095116  
🖷:  +34‑933098791
Control and automation of processes

NOTE: Although reasonable efforts have been made to check the location of this company/organisation, we cannot guarantee it 100%

Procontrol, S.L.

Procontrol is a company and backed up by a series of circumstances which then:-solvency over 40 years continuity which makes a large number of suppliers interested in working with us.

-Flexibility few companies in our sector have accumulated so much experience; also, us, us have been adapted to the needs of our customers, as well as we have been able to devote efforts to the technological transformation that has taken place since the 1970s.

-Union employs approximately 20 people with quality technical and personal, stable and consolidated for more than 5 years.

-Capacity available to employees at many levels, allowing us to ensure the mobilization of more than 100 people.

-Service part of successfully executed projects, our real goal is to the customer, with a personalised service, where we are trying to resolve with the faster, concerns or difficulties you may have.

-Technical quality innovation and accumulated know-how that culminated, inter alia, with the development of patents of its own.

-Rigor consolidated clientele of more than 200 companies, among which there are reputable companies, and where access as providers require rigorous evaluations: Repsol YPF, Natural Gas, Union Fenosa, Endesa, Esteve Quimica, ExxonMobil, Torraspapel, Puig... - professionalism work with big engineering firms of international renown, as for example, Grupo Tecnicas Reunidas.