Morecinta, S.L. - Contact data

Ubicación y datos de contacto
Morecinta, S.L.
Pol. Ind. San Pancracio C/ El Carmen parc
14500 Puente Genil (Córdoba) Spain
☎:  +34‑957605555  
🖷:  +34‑957849275
Manufacturer of machinery for almazaras and stravel transportadoras

The vicinity of the company location is being shown.

Morecinta, S.L.

Morecinta, S.L. It has devoted in his years of activity to satisfy the requirements of the customers, so much in machinery as in installations inside the diverse industrial states, where the transport of solid products is fundamental. It has done it thinking always in the future, to be prepared to see and comprise these requirements even when they still were not a need.

This vocation by the innovation, for looking to the future, has translated , for the products of the company, in a primacy of reliability.

In this way, today those that comprise the importance to endow to his machinery and installations with safe and reliable equipment, can trust a specialist that will attend them at all times with a complete and timely service.

By this reason, have begun to expand the installations, with the end to guarantee to the customers, a complete and fast service, necessary for the one who chooses a product of quality, for this have effected a series of investments, especially those that concern to the warehouse of products finished, where can have of 1.000 m2 apilables in future no far until 2.000 m2, that allows them offer to the Spanish market a service with deliveries faster and reliable, as well as a greater rapidity to be able to realizar transformations and adaptations according to the needs of the customers.