Cardyfren, S.L - Contact data

Ubicación y datos de contacto
Cardyfren, S.L
Subpolígono II El Oliveral,Parc-7
46394 Ribarroja del Túria (València) Spain

How to get there

☎:  +34‑961665179  
🖷:  +34‑961665205

NOTE: Although reasonable efforts have been made to check the location of this company/organisation, we cannot guarantee it 100%

Cardyfren, S.L

The Valencian company Cardyfren, S.L. It builds, it repairs, and it commercialises all type of transmissions type cardán for all type of applications like Automotive sector, Machinery of Public Work, Industrial Machinery, Agricultural Vehicles, railway industry industry, Nautics, Wind, etc.

More than 35 years of experience endorse the quality and the path of the company in the sector.

The most characteristic of this company is the service and the quality of his products. With more than 2.000 m2 of installations and more than 3.000 references, one of the greater of Europe, the supply is guaranteeed in 24 h to any part of Spain and Europe thanks to his big stock of transmissions and original components and to the European network "And.D.S." (European Driveshaft Services) To which belong.

The construction and repair realizar by means of processes certified and following the guidelines of factory with original components to guarantee the quality and the hygiene as in origin.

C/ Electronics equipment dealers equipment dealers, 30
Polygon Urtinsa.
Telf: 91 1278111
Fax: 916410232