A & B Clima - Contact data

Ubicación y datos de contacto
A & B Clima
López Bravo, 19 - Pol. Ind. Villalonquéjar
09001 Burgos Spain

How to get there

☎:  +34‑947257751  
🖷:  +34‑947257752
w:  www.aybclima.com
Specialised in the sector of the air conditioning of spaces, offering satisfactory and intelligent solutions.

NOTE: Although reasonable efforts have been made to check the location of this company/organisation, we cannot guarantee it 100%

A & B Clima

To&b Climate is a company founded and situated in Boroughs in 1980 and from 1995 specialised in the sector of the air conditioning of spaces, offering satisfactory and intelligent solutions.

His knowledge and experience of all these years allow them present for the current needs a range of heaters of infrared of short wave, based in the high quality of the materials employed and in his process of manufacture.

To&b climate this formed by a group of able professionals to find always the best answer for his customers by means of listens it active, the analysis of his needs and the conjoint research of the most satisfactory solution.

Using the best materials in the components of manufacture and the last technology in infrared of short wave, in To&b climate treat always to offer to his customers the best in terms of quality, design, performance and functionality.

His range of products has been designed to create spaces, so much of inner as of outside, confortables and friendly in any period of the year.
The revolutionary technology of infrared of short wave of his heaters, offers immediate heat there where needs .

The heat by radiation crosses the air without heating it so that the heat is received directly by the people or objects of economic form, effective, and immediate, without need of previous warming and without losses of heat by circulation of the surrounding air.
The heaters halógenos To&b climate are an innovative system of radiant heating by infrared that gives solution in Hospitality industry to terraces and veladores, as well as to all type of installations already are for private use, industrial, commercial or public, so much for inner as for outsides.