Aqua eSolutions, S.A. - Contact data

Ubicación y datos de contacto
Aqua eSolutions, S.A.
Av. Bruselas, 5 Edificio Bruselas
28108 Alcobendas (Madrid) Spain

How to get there

☎:  +34‑917334200  
Business software

NOTE: Although reasonable efforts have been made to check the location of this company/organisation, we cannot guarantee it 100%


Delegación Catalunya

Aqua eSolutions, S.A.- Barcelona

Wold Trade Center - Moll de Barcelona, s/n

08039 Barcelona


Delegación Andalucía

Aqua eSolutions, S.A.- Granada

José Luis Pérez Pujadas, 14 Ed. Forum

18006 Granada


Delegación Islas Canarias

Aqua eSolutions, S.A. - Tenerife

Av. Francisco La Roche 31

38001 Santa Cruz de Tenerife



Aqua eSolutions Is a company manufacturer of solutions of business gestión that has 16 years of experience in the market, period of time in which it has llevar projects of implementation of business systems headed to optimise the performance and the efficiency of the companies, orienting his models of business to the customers.

With offices in Madrid and Barcelona, Aqua eSolutions llevar the commercialisation of his business systems through a network of partners formed by more than 25 consultancies, certified Aqua Solution Centers and presents in all the national territory.

Aqua eLab: The master formula to do grow his business

Aqua eLab Is a solution developed specifically for chemical companies, that simplifies the gestión of the processes of production, guaranteeing the necessary rigour in his design and execution. With this, will achieve a high quality in his final product and a fast return of his investment.

It will be able to generate escandallos, control products semielaborados, define tolerances, guidelines of inspection to guarantee the quality of the products, manage the characteristics of the packaging and other a lot of functionalities.

Thanks to his powerful analytical tool, will be able to know the costs of manufacture and adjust his processes for maximizar the profit.

Likewise, Aqua eLab implements mechanisms of hygiene so much in internal appearances: processes by division and user, as in the referents to valid rule: treatment of dangerous commodities (ADR), sentence of risk, among others.

An investment to promote the growth of his business when managing the process of manufacture and distribution of his products and optimise the value of the interactions with his customers.

· Production
· Design of the production
· Planning and execution
· Control of quality
· Packed
· Gestión of warehouse
· Control and analysis of costs
· hygiene
· Letters of carry (ADR)
· Mobility