Agencia Internacional de Comercio, S.L. (Aginco) - Contact data

Ubicación y datos de contacto
Agencia Internacional de Comercio, S.L. (Aginco)
Arangutxi, 12 - Pol. Ind. Jundiz
01015 Vitoria - Gasteiz (Araba/Álava) Spain

How to get there

☎:  +34‑945290304  
🖷:  +34‑945292092
Company dedicated to the import and distribution, exclusively, for all the Spanish territory, first leading European brands in hand tool manufacturing

NOTE: Although reasonable efforts have been made to check the location of this company/organisation, we cannot guarantee it 100%

Agencia Internacional de Comercio, S.L. (Aginco)

Our company's philosophy has always been to offer these products to the more affordable as possible and for this purpose since its inception offers the possibility to buy directly from the manufacturer, processed him all the documentation required, keeping them informed of the status of your order, of the manufacturer, processed him all the documentation required, keeping them informed of the status of your order, etc.

In order to avoid possible rupture of stock AGINCO maintains a strong stock of the most common products for immediate delivery.

Our motto 'quality and service differentiate us' is not more than the finding of a fact: quality guaranteed: not only because our manufacturers have been certified ISO-9000, but because the market is experiencing it every day to check the absence of claims after sales.
Excellent service: With average deliveries exceeding 90% of the order within 24 hours.
Calibration laboratory for Torque Wrenches, with traceability to ISO-9000.
Technical after-sales service for the repair and adjustment of our Torque Wrenches, Ratchet, etc.

Strategic agreements with external devices Laser repair technical services and laboratories certified ENAC for the calibration of torque wrenches when required a certificate issued by a laboratory for these features.