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Presentation to the international presses in Vienna (Austria)

Epson Revolutionises the market of the professional impressesion with WorkForce Pro RIPS

David Muñoz24/03/2014

In the Hotel Hilton Vienna Danube, to some metres of the Austrian stadium where the Spanish selection of football changed ‘his history', with the conquest of the Eurocopa 2008, Epson also has given a hit of rudder in the market of the professional impressesion with the world-wide presentation of his revolutionary range WorkForce Pro RIPS, which employs an innovative system of stock exchanges of ink reemplazables, in place of the traditional cartridges, that allows the uninterruptible impressesion of until 75.000 pages. Interempresas Had the opportunity to travel to Vienna to know the advantages of this innovative range, as well as the future plans of Epson for the market of the professional impressesion.

WorkForce Pro RIPS (Replaceable Ink Pack System) Supposes one of the last and more striking innovations that Epson enters in the market and with her, the Japanese mark steps more in his long record of revolutionary launchings. As it signalled during the international presentation of Vienna, Hiromi Taba, president of Epson in Europe, the company follows today betting strong by the innovation, always under the three aims that constitute his vision of business: “productivity, satisfaction of the customer and saving of costs”.

Intervention of Hiromi Taba, president of Epson in Europe
Intervention of Hiromi Taba, president of Epson in Europe.

Good proof of this big bet by the innovation are the near of 1.75 million dollars that Epson invests each day in R&D, what plasma in around 50.000 patents in force. “This investment in investigation and development is what really guarantees the future on a long-term basis of Epson”, added Hiromi Taba.

Although the mark Epson really was cream in June of 1975, the origins of the corporation Seiko Epson trace back to 1942 with the name of Daiwa Kogyo, a manufacturer of pieces of clock in Suwa, Nagano (Japan). In 1964 it took place an event that changed the history of the company since this year Seiko employed for the first time, in the Olympic games of Tokyo, a new team of cronometraje electronic that allowed the impressesion of the results of the careers. It was cream like this the first digital printer, the EP-101, which would begin to commercialise in the market in September of 1968 and whose following generation would give, years afterwards, the commercial name to the company (‘are' in English means son, by what the name would translate like ‘son of EP'). Since, Epson has marked the rhythm in markets so important like the one of the proyectores or the one of the impressesion of photographies, among others many.

At present, as it indicated the president of Epson in Europe, there is a concept that marks the future of the Group. It treats of the Japanese word ‘Monozukuri' that translates like ‘the art and the science of the production' and that resume the belief that adding innovation, production and engineering achieve solutions adapted truly to the needs of the customers.

The range WorkForce Pro RIPS employs an innovative system of stock exchanges of ink reemplazables
The range WorkForce Pro RIPS employs an innovative system of stock exchanges of ink reemplazables.

All this has allowed to Epson consolidate like a world-wide referent in innovation, with a very wide offer of products that covers from printers of injection of ink and systems of impressesion, proyectores 3LCD and industrial robots, until sensors and other microdispositivos. To cover the regions of Europe, Middle East, Russia and Africa, the Group has Epson Europe BV, with headquarters in Ámsterdam, that has a staff of 1.655 employees and some sales of 1.560 million euros (fiscal year 2012).

Future guaranteeed for the paper

In front of the voices that come predicting from does years ‘an office without papers', Rob Clark, vice-president of Marketing of Epson for the zone EMEAR, signalled that the “ink and the paper never will disappear”, keeping still the impressesion a high potential of growth.

And inside the general market of professional impressesion, where Epson sees greater options of growth is in the technology of injection of ink or inkjet, whose last advances are allowing it win significantly quota of market on the impressesion laser. The strong technological development lived by the injection of ink during the last years is comporting that this option offer increasingly advantages, as it recognises Epson for the case of his printers: fewer costs (reduction until 50% of the cost by page with regard to alternative similar laser, until 80% less in the consumption of electricity and a much simpler maintenance and economic); speed (until thrice faster that the printers laser in short works); reliability (the new models inkjet allow to print on a greater variety of materials, what increases his possibilities of use, even in industrial applications); functionality (the printers inkjet offer already practically the same options that the versions laser) and respect of the environingingment (in addition to the lower electrical consumption, require less consumables and, therefore, a lower packaging for his back recycling). By all this, Rob Clark dared to aventurar that “the technology inkjet will substitute increasingly to the printers laser in the offices”.

The new stock exchanges reemplazables allow the uninterruptible impressesion of until 75.000 pages

The new stock exchanges reemplazables allow the uninterruptible impressesion of until 75.000 pages.

In this sense also was sintomática the presentation realizar by Phil Sargeant, of the skilled quality consultancy IDC, the one who signalled that in spite of not being a new business (more than 14 million printers of injection of ink sold from the year 2000) the penetration of these equipment follows winning terrain year after year, consolidating as the technology preferred by numerous offices, of the widest sectors. “The providers are offering levels of quality and of value added increasingly high, attaining with this answer to the true needs of the customers”, indicated.

According to the data handled by IDC, is foreseen that the market of the professional impressesion grow to a rhythm of 5% until the year 2017 but specifically the sector of the impressesion inkjet goes to grow around 12% in front of 2% of the laser (in 2017 the distribution expected will be of 20-25% inkjet in front of the 80-75% laser). Thus, it is not of extrañar the intense work that come realizar the main manufacturers of professional impressesion in the segment of the injection of ink, and more specifically Epson, that according to the data contributed by IDC, is already the second manufacturer in the market inkjet.

Jordi Castle, of Epson Europe, during the demonstration of the new range WorkForce Pro
Jordi Castle, of Epson Europe, during the demonstration of the new range WorkForce Pro.

Bet by the injection of ink

In this tendency of growth of the market of the inkjet is where it is necessary to place the launching of the new range WorkForce Pro by part of Epson. Taking advantage of his known industrial technology of cabezal of impressesion of injection of ink, Precision Core, the Japanese signature has developed this new range of printers for the professional surroundings. Initially it is composed by 18 models to cover the needs of companies of all the sizes, from small offices until big companies.

The new series WorkForce Pro WF-8000 and WorkForce Pro WF-5600 are available through the main distributors of Epson. The first allows an impressesion in format To3+ of low cost and ecological for offices of small and average size, until big companies and public organisations. The high speeds of impressesion and the professional functions, what includes the control of sending through PIN for a confidential and safe impressesion and the connectivity of network Gigabit, do that these printers are perfect to improve the productivity.

Regarding the series WorkForce Pro WF-5600 is designed to reduce costs and the environingingmental impact. Headed to small and medium enterprises, until big companies and public organisations, these printers To4 benefit of a cost by page until 50% lower and an energetic consumption until 80% lower that the printers laser in colour of the competition, cartridges of ink of high capacity of 4.000 pages, high speeds of impressesion and functions of professional integration.

Besides, the channel retail puts to disposal of the customers the series WorkForce Pro WF-4600, WorkForce WF-3000 and WorkForce WF-7000.

Packaging employed by a printer laser after printing 75.000 pages
Packaging employed by a printer laser after printing 75.000 pages.

This new line of products, as it indicated Tony Petford, vice-president of the Business of Sales, is resulted of an investment of 125 million euros in the factories of Japan, has allowed to Epson enter the technology of cabezales of industrial impressesion of high range in the market of the big volumes and goes to help to the company to go in and improve his presence in markets no so usual like the textile or the packaging.

Inside this new range, are also included the printers WorkForce Pro RIPS, which differentiate of the rest for employing the original system of packages of ink sustituibles, that allow to offer to the companies the uninterruptible impressesion until 75.000 pages, without need to change the consumables. This system offers the advantages of a park of local printers, but with the predictable costs of a model centralised. It has developed to solve the impact of the problems of maintenance and inactivity of the printer in the place of work since it calculates that this loss of productivity supposes annually some 7.000 million euros to the year in companies of the European Union.

Andrew Semple, responsible maximum of the section of digital impressesion of Epson Europe, indicated on the new range: “This is the new generation of the technology of injection of ink Epson, that offers a greater flexibility and a potential elder that the laser, what supposes a field of upper development and the capacity to evolve in accordance with the needs cambiantes of the market”.

The new range WorkForce Pro of Epson reduces in 80% the electrical consumption with regard to printers laser in colour of the competition...
The new range WorkForce Pro of Epson reduces in 80% the electrical consumption with regard to printers laser in colour of the competition.

The new stock exchanges or packages of ink pretend to change radically no only the form to print in the offices, but also the management of the maintenance. The greater length of the consumables (until 75.000 pages in front of the 10.000 to which can arrive at most a cartridge of ink), the predictibilidad of the costs, the reduction of the times of maintenance and his bet by a greater conservation of the environingingment (generates less waste of packagings, for example) are elements that allow to Epson trust a good penetration in the market of this solution. In fact, the company also has included in his range RIPS a model To3 that comes to cover the empty that there is in the market for this type of professional printers of injection of ink.

With an alone stock exchange of ink, a printer WorkForce Pro RIPS can print all this paper (75.000 pages)
With an alone stock exchange of ink, a printer WorkForce Pro RIPS can print all this paper (75.000 pages).

In conclusion, Rob Clark signalled that “the market is changing and Epson wants to follow being in the first row. The impact of RIPS think that goes to be very big because it supposes a better solution that the alternatives in laser when allowing print just when it needs and with some costs centralised and controlled. All this needing less material and, therefore, reducing the footprint of CO2”.

Epson Improves his range of software of capture of data for professional users

Epson Has expanded his range of products of software to improve even more the functionalities of his scanners of documents and equipment multifunción, simplifying the process of capture of data for the companies and facilitating the integration of archives in systems of documentary management.

Two new products of high quality, Document Capture Pro Premium and Document Capture Pro Server Premium, offer functions to simplify and automate the identification, the separation and the indexado of documents. The products Document Capture, Document Capture Pro and Document Capture Pro Server existent have updated to offer a greater compatibility with the products, an improvement of the options of export of archives and the addition of seen in optional miniature.

All the options of software connect easily to systems of documentary management standard; besides, can develop easily more connections for a connectivity to measure of the platform.

Epson Contributes new solutions for the documentary management
Epson Contributes new solutions for the documentary management.

Safe impressesion in the company, through ecouriers from computers and mobile equipment

In reply to the every time greater demand of solutions of safe impressesion from mobile equipment, Epson announces Ecouriers Print for Enterprise, a system of software based in server that allows the sending of documents to print through the ecouriers without need to install drivers neither download applications.

When the documents keep always inside the firewall of the company, the content remains safe; the ways of impressesion ‘pull' and ‘push' by his part offer different options for the confidentiality of the documents.

If the documents require a high level of confidentiality, the way of impressesion ‘pull' guarantees that the pending documents of impressesion do not appear in the tail of impressesion and the user has to access to an interface based in Intranet so that the team print the work after his sending. The way of impressesion ‘push' standard, although it also is safe, offers a simple functionality of sending-impressesion.

With both options, the users send the document to print through ecouriers from any compatible team. When the archives print through PC connected to the network or mobile equipment connected road wifi in the office, his hygiene remains intact since they are inside the network of the company and, therefore, protected by the firewall.

Presentation of the Ecouriers Print for Enterprise
Presentation of the Ecouriers Print for Enterprise.

Related Companies or Entities

Epson Ibérica, S.A.U.

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#1 - Sajjad
14/03/2016 19:38:21
What this?pva sheet print this?

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