OPQ Systems Maqui - naria Gráfica, S.L. - Paperback binder

Horizon Cabs 5000

System of encuadernación: with alzadora, encuadernadora in rústica and cut trilateral

Picture of System of encuadernación
OPQ Systems Horizon Commercialises the system of encuadernación Cabs 5000, composed by the alzadora MG-60H (of 36 scoreboards at most), the encuadernadora rústica SB-15 of 15 mordazas and the guillotine trilateral HT-101.

The system incorporates automatic functions of manufacturing and incorporates Cab, an innovative system of encuadernación of rústica on line, computer-aided, that offers the easy integration of alzadora, encuadernadora in rústica and cut trilateral. The speed of production of the system Cab arrives until the 5.200 books/h. The technology Horizon allows to reach a high speed of production of books, keeping the quality of encuadernado with simplicity in the handle.