Construccions Mecàniques Jusa, S.L. - Different accessories for printing

Jusa Shaftless ECO

Desbobinadores: maximum diameter to desbobinar until 1.000 mm

Picture of Desbobinadores

- maximum Diameter to desbobinar until 1.000 mm.

- Diameter of the arms desbobinadores from 70 mm until 150 mm.


- Opening and closing of the arms desbobinadores.

- Roller with frontal trip to stabilise and tighten the band.

Control and hygiene:

- Control of automatic brake by means of cells of load, other optional systems.

- Physical or photoelectric barriers to guarantee the hygiene of the operario.


- Replacement of groups desbobinadores obsolete or in bad state.

- System of desbobinado extra for lineas of laminado.