numbering machine MORGANA ROTARY NUMBERING model FSN n°062547ALAN heavy duty, high volume suction feed rotary numbering machine, fully mobile for numbering, perforating, scoring anywhere on the sheet electronic pusling and feeding from the bottom of the stack (loading can be done on the run) positive control of paper from feed to delivery assuring consistent register throughout every run can takes up to 8 parallel or convex numbering heads equipped with 2 supports without heads slitting perforator high power vacuum and air pump adjustable platen pressure electronic sheet spacing continous operation min. weight : 56gsm/2 suppplied with 4 numbering boxes Min. sheet size (mm) : 210x125 Speed (S/H) : 9000 shp Power required (KW) : 1,1 Voltage (V) : 220/1 Dimensions (L x W x H in cm) : 134x78x105 Net weight (Kg) : 162 Sheet size [mm x mm]]: 46x46cm.
Min sheet size [mm x mm]: 210x125.
Max sheet size [mm x mm]: 460x460.
Speed [sheet/h]: 9000 shp.
Net weight [kg]: 162.
Dimensions [cm x cm x cm]: 134x78x105.
Power [kW]: 1,1.
Voltage [V]: 220/1.
Serial number: n°062547 ALAN.
Availability: immediately.
Country of origin: UK.
Incoterms: LOT / LOC.
Grace-Hollogne - Liège
Segunda mano
28/01/2025 15:24:19
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Numeradores | Segunda mano FSN NUMBERER MORGANA usado en venta
Venta de numeradores de segunda mano, numeradores nuev@s y de ocasión, de las principales marcas (Heidelberg, Contagor, Bacher, Gto, Morgana, etc.). Encuentre su oferta y contacte con el vendedor.
Accesorios sistema de numerado y perforado para GTO, levas de cambio, levas de hendido y/o perforado, aros, plecas para polímeros, etc. · Sistemas de numerado y perforado completos para GTO 46 y 52.
Maquina de numerar con numeradores tipo GTO, Perfora, Microperfora, Medio corte, Hendidos con diversidad de hanchos. Introduccion por friccion · tem 4 numeradores