
This news article was originally written in Spanish. It has been automatically translated for your convenience. Reasonable efforts have been made to provide an accurate translation, however, no automated translation is perfect nor is it intended to replace a human translator. The original article in Spanish can be viewed at BYG amplía su catálogo de repuestos y gana presencia en el mercado internacional
The company presents in Smopyc his new range of Future wear Mining

BYG Expands his catalogue of spare parts and wins presence in the international market

David Muñoz15/04/2014

From 1968 BYG manufacture and distributes adaptable spare parts of the best marks for machinery of movement of earths, civil engineering and exploitation of quarries and mines. With more than 150 employees, logistical warehouses in Spain, EE UU, Canada, Germany, Portugal and China, and more than 40.000 references in stock, this company of Barcelonan origin encara the future with big expectations of growth. We take advantage of his presence in the Smopyc 2014 to know of mouth of the director of Sales for Spain and responsible of the line of Shooting in BYG, Pedro Martí, the last projects in which it has shipped .

The origins of BYG trace back to 46 years ago in Barcelona like specialist in hardware destined to machinery of movement of earths and public work. With the years the company was expanding his range, adentrándose in new sectors like the one of the material of wear, the shooting or the spare parts. Today, it is one of the big national references and international in the manufacture and distribution of spare parts for machinery of public work and minería, so much original like alternative.

Pedro Martí, director of Sales for Spain and responsible of the line of Shooting in BYG
Pedro Martí, director of Sales for Spain and responsible of the line of Shooting in BYG.

Although his international expansion comes of far, his true takeoff in the sales to the outside has taken place during the last years, coinciding with the descent of activity suffered by the market of the public work and the minería in Spain. “Every time we are more present in the outside, and in fact from does some years the exports have a greater weight on the turnover of BYG that the sales in the national market. This year, the forecasts is that we finish with an approximate distribution of 60% in export and 40% in national market”, recognises Pedro Martí, director of Sales for Spain and responsible of the line of Shooting in BYG.

This international presence has seen reinforced during the last years with the opening of delegations in the outside like BYG Chinese and BYG Corporation (EE UU), and with the expansion of the network of distributors and collaborators with which explains all over the world. All this is allowing him enjoy of remarkable taxles of growth in regions like Sudamérica, Asia and even, Australia, between others.

Expansion of the range

BYG Has own manufacture in Barcelona (blades) and in China (material of wear) and complete his offer with a wide range of products of other manufacturers of recognised international prestige. His catalogue is composed to day of today by more than 40.000 references.

His line of material of wear composes of blades and nosings of quality 250, 400, 450 and 500HB, arms of ripper manufactured in an alone piece, teeth and tooth holders adaptable ‘BYG Classic', hardware special for heavy machinery, profiles and sheets antidesgaste and, as one of his products crashes, the Future range (teeth and tooth holders of high provision, Future helicoidal system Twister and protections of hunt). “The newest that have incorporated in this range is the material of wear for equipment of minería, what call Future Mining –signals Pedro Martí-. “After the success of the Future line, which has facilitated us our exit to the outside, launch now Future Mining for sizes very big of minería (excavators of until 800 tonnes). We expect to attain with this product, during the next months, an important jump in our sales”.

Future Mining

Future Mining.

Regarding the origin of this new range, the director of Sales of BYG adds: “During a lot of years have been distributors of Esco and what have looked for with Future Mining is can offer to the customers an alternative product, of own manufacture, that keeping some high levels of quality can purchase to a more economic price. It offers the advantage added to be totally adaptable to the system Esco, of such form that can mount so much in origin like joined up to the own system Esco. It is entirely interchangeable. Of this form the customer does not have to do a big investment and wins in rapidity”.

In material of wear also is necessary to place the pointers, spades and portapicas of BYG, especially the pointers for the hydraulics hammers, of which the company offers numerous variants for the main marks, so much of own production as of other manufacturers of reference.

Like another big line of product, BYG has a complete range of ladles, cazos, stick fast and implementos hydraulics. In ladles and cazos the company offers solutions for from miniexcavators until big excavator of minería, with which attend applications so diverse like the start of stones, subjection of load, cleaning, manipulation of trunks…

In stick fast, BYG has the distribution of the Powerlatch of Miller, a safe product, of big quality, reliable and durable. And in implementos hydraulics for the demolition and the recycling, from does years the company is the exclusive distributor for our country of the Italian manufacturer Trevi Benne, having a wide offer of pinzas, demoledores, cutting cutting shears, spoons cribadoras, equipment multifunción, etc.

Cutting cutting cutting shears of Trevi Benne

Cutting cutting cutting shears of Trevi Benne.

Shooting and spare parts

Another of the big lines of BYG, as it recognises Pedro Martí, is the material of shooting. “From it does years have worked this market thanks to the distribution of the mark Berco but, in these last years, because of the new needs that presents the market, also offer alternatives more economic to the customers thanks to our collaboration with other manufacturers. We explain even with a small range of metallic chains of own manufacture, with the mark CNK, for machines of 20 tonnes”.

BYG Offers so much the complete metallic chains like the different components that conform them: screws, film guide, rollers, knit, profiles, etc. Offers equally special shooting for machines of chains of minería of until 500 tonnes, as well as a workshop of repair and volteo of chains of until 350 mm in passing. This offer complete with chains of rubber of own mark (CNK) and the distribution of the mark Bridgestone.

An every time greater weight in the business of BYG, especially in the Spanish market, is the supply of spare parts. In fact, as it recognises Pedro Martí, “practically 50% of our business in Spain is in the shooting and in the spare parts”. In this sense is worthy to stand out the initiative that has undertaken the company to create a network of franchises by all our country for the supply of spare parts, call BYGPlus+, and the continuous enlargement that is experiencing his catalogue, so much in original as in adaptable, reconstructed and used: components and equipment of engine, conical groups, final controls, systems of brake, electrical systems, bulones and casquillos, chassis, converters, servotransmisiones… The offer complete with another type of products like lubricantes, fats, anti-freeze, batteries and filters.

Stand Of BYG in Smopyc 2014

Stand Of BYG in Smopyc 2014.

Tendency of market

Although the big expectations of growth of BYG go through the internationalisation, the company trusts also in that there is a light improvement in the national market, especially in the minería. “Until the year 2008 and 2009 had a very important presence in the field of the minería in Spain, especially in the mining basin de León. This activity practically disappeared  these years but now seems that it begins to reopen a bit. Thus, we trust can recover presence so much in big as in average and small customers. Regarding the public work, known the plans of investment of the Administration, have few hopes. In any case, yes we have to say that in this first quarter of the year the market has moved a bit better of what expected”, concludes Pedro Martí.

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Byg, S.A.

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