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Presentation of novelties

BYG Increases his range of products for works of demolition and minería

Editorial Interempresas17/09/2013

BYG, company of international reference in the sale of spare parts for machinery of movement of earths, with more than 40 years of experience in this market, follows expanding his catalogue. In this occasion presents the new range Premium Line of implementos of demolition, and the new range of material of wear for minería Future Mining.

Premium Line Is the new range of implementos of demolition that the mark Trevi Benne presents, instrumented with the device multiplicador of power Impact Booster. The Impact Booster is the result of months invested in investigation and design, bank of proofs, hours of proofs of field. A concentrated of technology and power in his purer state.

The series of implementos MK Premium and HC Premium already are available inside the Range Premium and can be purchased with the new Impact Booster of series.

Impact Booster
Impact Booster.

What is the Impact Booster?

Is an integrated hydraulics device that multiplies the power (understood like pressesure of work of the excavator).

How works?

Attacking the material, if the pressesure of the excavator is not hisficiente for triturar, lights automatically the Impact Booster that allows to multiply the pressesure that comes from of the machinery (pre calibrated to 250 bar) reaching a beak of 750 bar.

Which advantages has?

A pressesure of work and flujo inferior drives to:

-Consumption of fuel reduced 20%

-Lower environingingmental impact

-Time cycle opening/close in 3,5 second

-Reduction of the general weight of the team

-Increase of the performance of 25%

Future Mining

The mark of material of Future wear of BYG incorporates a new range of specific products for minería: Future Mining. In addition to teeth, pre-teeth and pasadores, this range incorporates also protective of blade for excavators of big tonelaje (until widths of blade of 230mm or 9 inches).

Tooth RC of Future Mining
Tooth RC of Future Mining.

The tooth RC (Rock Chisel) that now presents is available in three sizes:

- FM920 (for machinery Hitachi EX3600, Terex RH170, Caterpillar 6040, Komatsu PC4000, Demag H285S and Liebherr R9400, R9350 and R994B).

- FM1120 (for machinery Hitachi EX5500 and EX5600, Terex RH340 and RH360, Caterpillar 6060, Komatsu PC4000, PC5500 and PC5500-6, Demag H485S and Liebherr R995).

- FM1220 (for machinery Hitachi EX8000, Terex RH400, Caterpillar 6090FS, Komatsu PC8000, Demag H48JS and Liebherr R996 and R9800).

The Future tooth Mining rock chisel is symmetrical and has lateral reinforcements, upper that protect the zone of anchorage and is manufactured with more material of wear that the competition. This material of extra wear appears in the central surface of the tooth to increase the performance autoafilante of the same.

The tooth RC besides has 2 options of lace: standard Option (Anchorage of hammer, does to the adaptable tooth to the system Posilok of Esco) and Option Hammerless (System of exclusive anchorage that allows the anchorage of the tooth with a standard Allen wrench and a twist of 90º for maximum hygiene of the operario, allows the lace of the tooth in systems Posilok Plus of Esco).

Note: Posilok and Posilok Plus are marks registered of Esco Corporation. The names, descriptions and references of other manufacturers use only to way of reference.

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Byg, S.A.

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