NaanDanJain Ibérica, S.L.U. - Sprinklers and drip systems

Microaspersor Flipper

Picture of Microaspersor Flipper

The most economic method of protection against frosts for viñedos and crops in espalderas.

Caracteríscas General

  • Distributes the water in bands very narrow and of big length, covering only the hileras of vineyards
  • Saves until 70% of water, in comparison with the systems
  • Conventional of irrigation with protection against frosts by on the plants
  • The drops of big size minimise the effect of cooling when initiating the system
  • Of safe operation under conditions of frosts
  • Low volumes: discharge (25-40 l/h) and pressesures of operation (2.0-2.5 bar)
  • Possibility to incorporate regulators of flow for rugged terrains, or with long hileras
  • Low costs of installation and pumping
  • The dry footpaths reduce the anegamiento of the field and facilitate the access of equipment and personal