Lorentano, S.L. - Sprays, powder bellows, nebulisers and other phytosanitary treatment equipment


Fans: for any model of atomizador

Picture of Fans
The robustness and hardness of the stainless steel have put of part of the agriculturalist in this fan of big performance and fortress.

The performance comes determined by his double exit of air with double hilera of filters, thing that gives him a big capacity of penetration between the leaves of the frutales and some optimum results of distribution and impacts of the liquid applied in the trees, allowing adjust much better the quantity of litres by hectare that applies .

This fan of stainless steel with double hilera of filters is available in diameters of 760, 820 and 900 mm, and has of 30 double jets giratorios, double fan and double exit of air that improves the distribution, orientadores of inferior and upper air that give excellent results in all type of plantations reducing derives it of the liquid in the top and inferior.

The stainless steel goes to turn into a material of future that gives a lot of life to one of the most important parts of our machine. By this, the stainless steel also can put in conventional fans (without the double hilera of filters).