Garrigós Almagro, S.A. (Gaysa) (FG Group) - Sprays, powder bellows, nebulisers and other phytosanitary treatment equipment


Bancadas: leak by stages, multiple, progressive

Picture of Bancadas
Technical characteristics:

- Chassis tube of steel curvado in cold and sheet folded, painting to the oven.

- Deposits in polyethylene of high density (HDPE). Wall very smooth and of easy cleaning:

. Capacity cisterna of 200-400-600-800 l of total casting. Volume (+5%). Indicator of level. (1.000 l Fibre of glass).

. Wash basin, independent deposit of 15 l with tap.

. Lavacircuito Of big capacity (50 l) integrated in cisterna, ways work / cleaning.

- Leak by stages, multiple, progressive.

. I filter mouth filled: easily extraible, with mesh of 18 mesh

. I filter aspiration: with valve of automatic closing. Cartridge with mesh of steel inox. 50 mesh.

- Mix: agitador hydraulics of high homogeneity and constant concentration, type Venturi.

- Presurización. Continuous regulator of pressesure, with manometer of glicerina.

. Pressesure/ Ways func.: max. 40/ 50 bar, according to bomb. Ways by-pass (derivación to cisterna) / work.

. You take 1/2 “G, for connection of guns of treatment and other accessories.

. Guns two guns of treatment.

- Engine: to choose, Deep GX or GA 4 times, petrol. Valves in head.