Lorentano, S.L. - Pesticide equipment


Arms of electrical herbicide: adaptable to any tractor and terrain

Picture of Arms of electrical herbicide
Lorentano Has of a series of arms with adaptable electrical movements to any type of plantation (frutal, viñedo, citrus, etc).

They are adaptable arms to any tractor and terrain. It can have of until 4 electrical movements (two of entrance-exit and two of inclination of leading) and one hydraulics (go up-go down) if it places in front of the tractor.

The movement of inclination allows all the inclinations being able to like this do margins bent and situations complicated according to the terrain.

The bars have of pulverizadores antigoteo, filters teejet antideriva and a protective special of pelos of nylon allowing like this reduce derives it doing like this a respectful application with the environingingment.

These electrical arms carry a box with switches sew that it avoids the rubbers of the pistones hydraulics with the weight and the discomfort that this comports.

These electrical arms Lorentano are a reliable solution, less heavy, easier to stick the machine and very respectful with the environingingment.