Renolit Ibérica, S.A. (Alkorplan) - Materiales y sistemas de cubiertas


Aesthetic solution for covers: by means of membranes of estanqueidad and profiles of PVC-

Picture of Aesthetic solution for covers
The system of the mark AlkorDesign, distributed by Renolit Iberian, composes of two elements: membrane of estanqueidad AlkorPlanF to base of PVC-P in the standard version and profiles of PVC-P that sueldan in the membranes AlkorPlan by means of hot air.

The system AlkorDesign combines the aesthetics of the metallic covers (zinc or lead) with the advantages of the membranes of estanqueidad synthetic AlkorPlan. This solution allows to avoid the problems of these covers.

Between his advantages stand out: cost reduced of significant way (until more than 40% in the most complex cases); time of installation quite shorter: fixation without ‘leg deslizante' neither ‘plate of distribution'; no more moldura/bed of the boards; treatment of the easy particular points to realise; realisation of weldings with hot air. Also important the exigencia considerably reduced for the structure: the scarce resistance to the steam of water diminishes the risks of condensation and avoids the problems of ventilation. The flexibility of the membranes of estanqueidad AlkorPlan allows to work easily in all the geometrical forms of support.

The membrane of estanqueidad AlkorPlan does not weigh more than 1,8 kg/m² (1,5 mm of thickness), what allows important savings on the structure portante.

It is of maintenance reduced. In general, a visual inspection and a simple cleaning of the channels and of the evacuations are sufficient. The availability of the colours depends on the geographic zone.