Promoción de Inversores de Trabajos Agrícolas - Pita, S.L. - Sembradoras para siembra directa

Horsch Pronto NT

Sowing machines For seed direct: for big surfaces

Picture of Sowing machines For seed direct
The prompt NT is a sembradora universal and compact with Prompt system (treat, seed and presionar) for seeds it in mantillo and seeds it direct). Especially in conditions of seed direct, the combination of tools, grilles onduladas/disks cutters and the grille TurboDisco has a lot of advantages. Only it treats the floor where afterwards seeds . The grilles TurboDisc of Horsch adapt eficientemente to throw them off balance of the floor, guarantee a high pressesure in the grilles and a precise placing of the seed.

For the placing of the credit there are two types of system PPF available. On the one hand the credit can plant beside the seed by the grilles TurboDisc or optionally with disks of credit between the beams of seed (the depth is adjustable separately). Thanks to the direct connection between the car of seed and the unit of seed, achieves even without weight added a high pressesure in the disks cutters and the grilles of credit.