Cooperativa Thader Cieza - Contact data

Ubicación y datos de contacto
Cooperativa Thader Cieza
Ctra. Madrid-Cartagena, km 342
30530 Cieza (Murcia) Spain
☎:  +34‑968761650  
🖷:  +34‑968762520

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Cooperativa Thader Cieza

Our cooperative was born thanks to the initiative of a group of farmers from the village of Cieza who were convinced that cooperativism could better achieve its objectives marshal their forces and leaving behind the competitiveness that years ago there was and making in greater or lesser extent some of its objectives were not achieved.

So, by the year 1973, it was founded at the site the first cooperative of fruit of the Region of Murcia. In principle, the number of partners were only 19, but nowadays a total of 150 members, this increase has been due to partners see that through cooperative and not on competitiveness are achieved their goals better. This also encourages others to join the cooperative.

Although it was founded in the year 1973 as S.A.T. THADER # 4697, in year 1992 we are transformed in THADER CIEZA S.C.L. obtaining recognition of O.P.F.H. with the # 262 on October 14, 1998.